------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- / _ \ \_\(_)/_/ _//"\\_ JOHLEM.net / \ https://johlem.net/V1/topics/cheatsheet.php ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Best Command to know for OSCP EXAM: Port scanning: nmap -sS -sV -p- -A -T4 (to scan all TCP ports and gather information about the open ports and services, OS and version detection, and script scanning) Enumeration: enum4linux (to gather information about SMB shares, users, and groups) Password cracking: hydra -l -P ssh (to crack SSH login credentials) or john --wordlist= (to crack password hashes) Exploitation: msfconsole (to use Metasploit Framework) Privilege escalation: linenum.sh (to gather information about the system and possible privilege escalation vectors) or searchsploit (to search for known exploits) Post-exploitation: netstat -anp (to gather information about open connections and running processes) or ps aux (to gather information about running processes) Lateral Movement: smbclient -L (to list shares on a remote host) or psexec -u -p (to execute commands on a remote Windows host) Exfiltration: nc -nvlp (to start a listener for incoming data) or nc < (to send files) Note: OSCP (Offensive Security Certified Professional) is a certification program that focus on hands-on penetration testing and the ability to think and act like a real-world attacker. These commands are not specific to the OSCP exam, but they are commonly used in penetration testing and can be useful to know for the OSCP certification.